The Organic Rose Gardener

The Organic Rose Gardener

Most gardeners today are learning everything they can about organic paths to plant care, and back-to-natural rose gardening is experiencing resurgence among rose growers. Since ancient times people all over the world have been cultivating roses, and until the past century it had always been done organically. Since man-made pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers were introduced in the 20th century, gardeners have turned their backs on natural methods of protecting and nourishing plants. Thankfully for roses and rose growers everywhere, that trend seems to be changing as a large number of growers rediscover organic plant and garden care methods, and that goes for beginning gardeners as well.

Creating and maintaining a garden organically will actually benefit not only your roses, but the flora and fauna around them as well. Roses are particular about their needs and preferences, and respond to natural cultivation procedures by living longer and flourishing. The added bonus …

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Perennial Flower Gardening For Beginners

Perennial Flower Gardening For Beginners

Successful perennial flower gardening for beginners comes down to two main points. Proper site planning and proper plant selection of plants that do well in your area. After you get these basics right, you can then start to learn more about pruning, dead-heading, pinching, fertilizing and all the other activities that go on during the year in a perennial garden. But, I am getting ahead of myself. Let’s start with the basics I first  planning and plant selection.

Site Planning

The very first step in planning your perennial garden is to decide how much time you want to spend maintaining it. Perennials, by there very nature, require some maintenance from time to time. So, decide whether you want to spend 30 minutes or 30 hours a month working in your garden before you go any further.

If you don’t want to spend much time maintaining your garden, stay away from …

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Reasons For Organic Gardening

If you love to garden, you may already be aware of some of the value of fresh vegetables. However, there are many advantages that you might not have considered. That’s especially true if you garden using natural, organic methods and not pesticides.

One reason that organic gardening might be right for you is that such vegetables are much healthier to eat. Vegetables bought at the store are often grown with chemicals that our bodies simply do not need. Although such foods are regulated and deemed safe by the government, why not have complete control over what you eat by growing your own?

Another good reason to grow organic foods is to save money. Yes, you’ll have to buy the seeds or plants, but you’ll have fresh vegetables each season right outside your door, or even in your house if you choose to grow them indoors. So, they’ll pay …

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Composting With Worms at Home

Composting with wormscan be done anywhere, even at home. These soil creatures can certainly help convert your kitchen scraps and garden wastes into a hefty supply of organic resource. Imagine how much you can save the earth just by reducing your household garbage with the assistance of only Red wiggler worms or European nightcrawlers.

Organic scraps that can be converted into worm compost

Whether you choose to do some worm composting indoors or outdoors, the variety of organic materials that you can feed composting worms are plenty. You can feed these worms anything but the following: meat, poultry, seafood, and dairy. Also avoid feeding compost worms substances that will give them health complications such as citrusy products, and other salty, spicy, and oily matter. What they can eat though are fruits and vegetable peels, crushed eggshells, used coffee grounds and coffee filters, tea bags, presoaked newspaper or cardboard …

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Organic Rose Gardening Made Simple

There are many benefits that rose plants provide to their owners. However, if pesticides are used excessively, one cannot take full advantage of these benefits. That is why organic rose gardening is best when it comes to taking care of your rose garden, or any garden for that matter. Organic gardening is very easy to do. Basically all of the steps to planting are the same but when it comes to fertilization and pesticides, you may want to try organic methods which are just as easy as using a chemical based pesticide.

Why Use Organic Pesticides?

Besides the fact that you do not need to put additional effort into this type of rose gardening, you will also be able to benefit more from your roses with organic methods. Rose petals are often used to make tea or fragrances. However, no one wants to use fragrances or drink tea …

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